..the fields are "white and ready for harvest ..."

A month has gone by since we came to
Before I can say anything about what we have encountered; I must first speak of what God has been doing in/with us. Before God fully opens our eyes to the field that is before us, He has been searching, pruning, purging, restoring and refreshing areas that so easily become mainstay in our hearts and minds. Any wonder He kept the children of Israel moving, seemingly disrupting their mindset to settle—and He calls us strangers and pilgrims, sojourners.
Sent out by the Body of Christ and now being here, I have taken some time to revisit the scriptures about our (the believer’s) calling and authority. These thoughts are not exhaustive, but consider this:
Matthew 27:50, 51 says, “Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the spirit. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in two from the top to the bottom…” This may have been the last cadence, the crescendo in the life of Christ here on the earth but the renting of the temple veil represented the most incredible truth of our calling and authority. The Presence and place of God’s holiness was bare, for all to witness; what lay in mystery was now open for all to see. “…We are sanctified (set apart for a divine work, called) through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all; …for by one offering He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified” (Heb. 10:10b, 14).
With this event God caused a wonderful reversal; for whereas only one, the high priest, once a year was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies now the Holy of Holies and the One within has come to us. In no way was the Holy and most Holy made common or was defiled by this event but that the common had been made holy, sanctified. Moses, take off your shoes, for the place where you stand is holy-- (Before the law was given.)We are included in the place of ministry as priests and kings of unto our God (Rev. 1:6) and have been imputed holiness. We then have a boldness (Heb.
Oh that ours would be that when His presence billows in on us that we would sense the rushing in of His mercy, His love, His forgiveness, His acceptance; that we would speak as sojourners, as pilgrims that language that is from above and all would hear as the Spirit gives them ability (Acts 2:1-4). My need everyday is to reckon on His presence and be led of His Holy Spirit. He loves to make His glory known to the common people for they received Him gladly. Just as the Church from the Pentecost had commissioning power because He overshadowed them (Acts 1:8), so can we today…because He is the same, yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8; Mal. 3:6)
What separates by time and distance has no bearing upon what we have in the Spirit. Our oneness in the Spirit is, in fact, made clearer by conviction to prayer, and encouragement. I have always enjoyed the thoughts that pertain to covenant relationships. These are relationships that are sustained by unrelenting love…it is this love that will not let anyone go…(Jeremiah 31:3); it is enduring, unconditional, it is eternal, it is one that provokes and desires to make company with others (Hebrews 10:24,25), it edifies.
Our first week and a half was full of settling-in details. We made trips across the island 3 days in a row to
As I unpacked kids’ clothes, I decided to take a break to write some thoughts down. Four of the kids had been occupying themselves for over an hour with a “lizard hunt” in the gated backyard. They claimed to have spotted “iguanas” in the fruit tree they were climbing. This house, our temporary place has been a sweet blessing. I myself had only been to the
We spotted a lifeless-looking scraggly dog in our gated yard and I immediately wondered whether I should give it water just to prevent its expiration on our grounds. He’s blind, but finds himself in the gate after we sent him out with a broomstick, we discovered that the owner’s brother faithfully feeds him---oops!
Joking aside, we have adjusted and enjoyed this first place, yet we are diligently seeking a more permanent home in the
We thank you all for your prayers. Please do keep in touch as it is a great encouragement from this far distance.