Many of you know that Pastor Julian was born in St. Lucia. Following our time in
Puerto Rico last year, we spend some time in St. Lucia. Our plan was to stay on the other end of the island, but when we arrived at night, a day later than the plan, everyone in the airport seemed to agree that driving a good distance on the windy, mountainous roads would not be advisable. We took a recommendation for a private guest house. When the owner came to pick us up, she routinely asked what had brought us to St. Lucia. When we told her that we were Christians who were seeking the Lord about coming to plant a Bible-based church, she exclaimed "Praise the Lord! I've been praying for the Lord to send someone to St. Lucia!" We had sweet fellowship into the evening with her and the next day she happily drove us around at her expense. She opened up her heart about her burden for the people of St. Lucia and the Caribbean. She was a blessing and a Divine provision for us during our visit.

City of Castries

a homemade scooter

precious girls in Castries

The day we visited this town in Denry, the was no water supply and people where carrying water up and down the mountain on their heads (in the upper 90s!)

fishing towns don't change much over the years

the market in Castries where local produce is sold
People were very responsive to
evangelism. One particular evening, the three of us passed out 50 tracks, made 20 good contacts, there were 10 people who prayed the sinner's prayer and 2 hours later or so 5 of them came to a Bible study where Julian was invited to speak in a Methodist church in Castries. Julian shared the Finished work of Christ on the cross and the people listened intently and asked questions--even the pastor seemed to be touched by the pure grace message.
"Oceanview" homes in St. Lucia.

The Lord gave this beautiful double rainbow.
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