Jer 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me,
when ye shall search for me
with all your heart.
The humility of soldiers may be in the very fact that they have voluntarily submitted themselves to another…they may be misunderstood while in warfare to be proud and full of themselves because they go to the enemy with an expectation to inflict a blow that will subject the offender to a higher authority or rule. With ammunition, a mind and body fit for the charge, comrades and a supply system they go out to the battle. The soldier has submitted his will, personal goals and ambition, geographic preferences for living to the army he/she belongs to. Through them the judicial and military strength of their country is represented. In the battle the soldier’s senses are acutely tuned and therefore able to distinguish the enemy from an ally and appropriate the necessary action when either is encountered. Amazingly, they may not ever meet their commander-in-chief before, during or after their military service…
When taken from a spiritual prospective, all of the above is true for the Christian functioning in the leading of the Holy Spirit expect for the last sentence. We have met the Commander-in-Chief. Through the Word (manual for life, provision and victory), Jesus (the predecessor), the Holy Spirit (teacher), and the communion (the Church) we are introduced to the Way (Acts 9:2, 18:25,26, 24:14). Being born of the Spirit (John 3:6) nurtured and built up (Eph. 4:10-32) we are then given a commission (Matt. 28:19,20) and our theatre (battleground) is the world and its organized system of thought and action. When we understand these things, there are no conscientious objectors in the call for the deliverance of a soul. Why? Because we have met the Commander-in-Chief; the Lord Jesus Christ.
Incredible as it may be, the greatest opportunity every Christian volunteer/soldier has is not to confront the enemy but to meet the Commander-in-Chief… Not in the battle or in royal, military regalia but rather as a Man with like passions and tempted in every point as we are but without sin, its spots or blemishes. His scars visible but alive—resurrected (Hebrews 4:14-16). Greater still is the encouragement of our Commander-in-Chief: that He is with us never to leave us, never to forsake us (Heb. 13:5) and that we are not called to perform in some already fought war nor to strive unto death/blood against things “present or seen” (Heb. 12:1-4). But the battle/war is over (Col. 2:12-15). The battle left is in believing (mental) (II Cor. 10:2-7). And we can simply be renewed in our thinking (Eph. 4:23, 24).
Oh what joy unspeakable to have met the Commander-in-Chief alongside my brothers and sisters: Pastor Duke, Ms. Ruth, Sue and Seth from the York Church, alongside Pastor McFarland of the Clearwater Church, Pastor Kevin Cooper, David, Reid, Joshua, Matthew, Rachel and Catherine from Maryland Bible College and Seminary and GGWO – Baltimore. It has been as the turning of the captivity of the children of Israel in the wilderness: we are as those who dream…
Around every turn in Cabo Rojo, Mayaguez or Boqueron we were able to sense the presence and power of God. We heard His encouraging voice on the campus of University of PR, Mayaguez, at the Fish Festival in Puerto Real, in the home of Mr. Mrs. Flores and Mr. Mantalvo, a terminal cancer patient, at the plaza and with the students at the Christian Academy. From the visitors we have had in the last six weeks, the Lord has given me this statement: “The reward of obedience is the Presence of God.” Oh, let us experience His faithfulness again… And ye shall seek me and find me, seek me when ye shall search for me with all your heart. To all our supporters and prayer partners near and across the waters: Thanks, thanks for allowing us to see Him, the Commander-in-Chief through you.
Here are some pictures highlighting the times we shared with those visiting:

Pastor Duke Preaching...

Go into the highways and byways and beachfronts...

Ms. Ruth and Julian, Jr. getting his daily admonishment...

Ms. Ruth, Sue, Seth and Pastor Duke... Boqueron Beach

Pastor McFarland taking questions at Bible Study/Rap...

Outreach: Ms. Claudia's house...

Stevenson and Pastor Kevin... A Rom. 8:28 t-shirt...

Outreach, what a is everything...

I owe, I to love I go..

Pastor Kevin: "He will restore all..." Joel 2:25

Rachel and Avrynn...

Matthew encouraging us to enter the harbor of Grace... Evelyn translating...

Visiting Mr. Montalvo, Carmen, Ms. Flores...

Gill visiting with the team...

At Geraldo and Carola's home...
Future activities: Attendance at International Convention June 23-28
Summer Harvest: Dates tba
Prayer Requests: Cynthia and children’s visit to their grand-dad (still in hospital) and grand-mom (Vermont).
Resuming home-schooling in Puerto Rico (curriculum for new year)
Permanent Church/Bible College extension location
Team members: students requiring practicum, short/long term commitments: Body members/Bible College & Seminary students…
Pastor J,
Great...I mean great news update. The thoughts you shared..."no conscientious objectors"...and our greatest opportunity is to meet the Commander & Chief not to engage the enemy...Great words to give our meditation to.
We are gearing up to follow our Commander & Chief to PR sometime early or mid June. We would like to accompany Pastor Cooper on his next trip. Lord knows!
Our hearts still BURN as fervently as they did when we were with you in April. Souls...Lord...Souls...Give us souls...lest we die.
Burn on...Burn Brightly...Burn consistently...Burn fervently...Burn those one heart beat from Burning, (Isa. 4:4)
With Fervent Love of the Spirit,
Hello from Baltimore, we're back from Istanbul. Can't wait to visit you sometime.
The Jedi
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