Since we last checked in we have celebrated Thanksgiving and are close on the heals of Christmas time. Puerto Rico, a

Even from Everlasting to Everlasting Thou Art God…
Psalms 90:2b
Our joy, praise and assurance come from the One who is the Alpha and the Omega—the Eternal One who became our Savior; from One who reigned on high, beholding all things, who came and dwelled among men; to One who now reigns as King forever.
There are two parts of the great house that have been prepared for us. In our generation we have the wonderful opportunity of connecting the two. Jesus’ humility and condescension are seen in His stable birth and His death, burial, resurrection and ascension to the Throne: powerful pictures well laid by the Church of old with lingering pictures of manger scenes and an empty tomb.
If the humility of Christ is the poured foundation, and His death, resurrection, ascension and kingship are the dome of this great building; we are left with the opportunity of seeing and experiencing His laying the rest of that building together. From birth to His present reign, we have a total Christ. If His humility is the feet of His incarnation made for the dusty and sin-soiled world He would walk in, and His head is for a true crown in His kingdom, where are His hands, His heart, His eyes, His ears, His mouth?
The skillful, art-filled and beautiful work of presenting a total Christ is our privilege. It is through the personal work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts that we are able to connect the feet of Christ to His head. Apart from our availability, the Christ of the stable and the absent Savior of the tomb are speechless and silent.
There is a principle that we miss in presenting the incarnation/humble passage of Christ into the world and His passion, death—resurrection, His physical exit from the world:—only a few were there to be witnesses of these insightful events. They are the greatest historical events we have to retell and portray to a hurting, hedonistic, narcissistic world, yet our most fantastic evangelical responses will not come from the mass publication of these events but rather from personal confrontations with men and women, boys and girls everywhere. Jesus’ impact was always from personal rendezvous or from the pre-salvation work of others.
The broken heart, the speaking Christ, the Son of Man and the Son of God is pictured best in His announcement by the angels, by John the Baptist, then by God, Himself; Him to the Samarian woman at the well; to Saul of Tarsus on his way to murdering more Christians; to the disciples on the road to Emmaus; to Nicodemus. Each one was of the God who says, “Come let us reason together (Is. 1:18 )”. No silence there. In one of these people, you and I can see ourselves historically.
For all of us, if Christ is to be seen, to be heard; it is because we lift Him high. Let us touch the hem of His garments again to (re) commit that our ambassadorship will be an active one, not in mass, holiday-strapped advertisements; a soft, salvation-by-default Christianity, but personal. It will be from our lips others will hear, this is the beloved Son, in whom the Father is well pleased, hear Him (Matt. 3:17), and “…come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?”(Jn. 4:29). Let us endeavor to take the static feet and head of religion and give the mind and heart, ears, eyes and words of a living Christ to others today, personally.
While we ponder deeply the passages of Christ for the work of our redemption; let us testify openly that the One who is from everlasting to everlasting, the One who said, “Before Abraham was, I am” (Jn. 8:58); the One who said, “let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness”(Gen. 1:26); who was in the beginning with God and is God, is the Man, Christ and He reigns forever… Revelations 11:15.
From the Matthew family…Merry Christmas and a Christ-filled New Year!
5 comments: the update, the testimony, the thoughts and the pictures. Really nice pictures. ;-)
Wonderful update...echoing Andrews the pictures.
We eagerly anticipate God opening a door for us to come and visit. The body sends their love. Our hearts are deeply stirred by your obedience to the call. May the Lord add to your soul His unlimited supply of grace and add souls unto the work of grace there.
From all of us in York County Pa...Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Ps...We're reeling in a translator for our prayerful, upcoming, planned visit. Don't be surprised when you receive a knock on your door and upon opening it, see some "yorkies." Love you all!
Wooohoooooo!!! Go Puerto Rico!!!
Merry Christmas from Jed & Sarah- Team Turkey!!! We love reading your blog it always encourages us! God has been working greatly. During the holiday season we will be visiting the churches in Paris & Nimes, France. Hope to visit you some day! We love staying in touch!
Love and blessings to you and your beautiful family. Love, Sue
How wonderful it must be to have Christmas displayed all around you! God's blessings are so evident in your lives - it's amazing! Have a wonderful Christmas, oh - and twelve days - how fun!!
Love in Christ,
Liz, Sam, and Riley
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