For each aspect of being here, we have been so refreshed by the preparation of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those we have come into contact with. The “Wheel” of God turns effortlessly and from a Finish Work prospective that is what He leads us into when we adventure into the perfect “Will” of God for our lives. So by His grace we are rolling along. We anticipated using a local Christian school for our services but after much review, we concluded that it was best for the present to keep looking out. However, I was asked to provide the chapel services for the school. To that I happily said, “yes and Fridays will be fine.” The response has been so great that the owner/chief administrator of the school has been inviting available parents to come to chapel. Cynthia will be reviewing a program for after school maybe a choir/music classes, a Christian book club, Awana or varied activities.
We are now preparing for the winter harvest group…Pastor Scibelli, Pastor Kevin Cooper and their wives, Linda and Nikki; Latascha and company. We know God will bless the time and expect great additions to the Body here. We had our first Church service at our new location; in the new dining room of a restaurant (Lighthouse Hotel’s)…and it was great… With His patience and your prayers we are marching on… God has so much in store for us here; I am so thankful for the investment and fellowship of our Body.

Hello there! So encouraged by the college class you started by faith. What a faith venture! We are praying for you special and hope to visit some day, perhaps with my parents, as they have been involved there in the past! Much love, Your family definately inspires us as we anticipate the birth of our first child in September! Jed & Sarah
Hello Matthew family...it is really great to read the updates and follow along as you operate in the call in P.R. Wow...the hotel name speaks volumes. That's ironically wonderful. Love you guys! Talk to you soon!
You all are doing a great work for the Lord. We miss you. Hope to catch up online!! The kids are beautiful. Everyone here sends their love.
May God continue to bless you.
In Christ,
The Ross's
Our Dear Matthew family...what a blessing to hear and also see (via pictures) how God is leading, moving, and blessing in PR. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily, as we (the York body) plan for our upcoming trip, scheduled for March 3 - 7, to join you in co-laboring where the fields are "ripe unto harvest."
During a recent message by Pastor Schaller, he said, "A good leader is not the person who does things right, but the person who finds the right things to do."
For me, this defines the temporal value system (vs) the eternal value system.
Many Christians today, do things right. They work hard, often forsaking the assembling of themselves together in the body of Christ because they need to make a living. Still others formulate plans for entertainment, parties, sports events, etc; while the Word of God is choked.
Spirit-filled, grace oriented believer's, who are living in the eternal purpose of God, by the Holy Spirit's power and divine ability, are not walking by sight (2 Cor. 5:7) but by faith. They are not entangled with the affairs of this life (2 Tim 2:1-4). They are stewards on this earth with a heavenly orientation to life. Their focus, because the Lord Jesus Christ has given them a personal revelation, is the eternal vs the temporal. Everything we see, houses, lands, cars, even ourselves, our bodies, they are all temporal. By the grace of God, we are living for the eternal and allow God, as we prioritize our lives around eternal things, so supply every need. A Christian who is seeking the kingdom of God first, FOCUSED on the eternal, is at REST in their heavenly father's provision.
Thank you, precious Matthew family, for allowing yourselves to be a tangible witness to the divine reality that God's work, done God's way, never lacks God's provision.
With a single-eye,
Pastor Duke (Greater Grace of York)
Hi Wonderful Family!
Such an beautiful thing to see your happy faces as you follow God with your whole hearts!
You all are in our prayers.
May God Provide...Everything!
Michelle Benoit
Our Dear Matthew's,
Words of Life...Words of Hope...Words of Grace...Words of Vision...Words of the Eternal...Words of God...Words of the Holy Spirit...Words of Joy...Comfort...Peace..."Theantric Action"...God's Divine Government...Word's from God's Heart to Ours...Your latest blog is a treatise (treatise n. - a book or writing treating of some particular subject) keeping us abreast to God's inner and outer working of grace in PR. Thank you! You are deeply loved...appreciated...prayed for...thought of with thanksgiving...missed...longed for in the mercies of Christ...Can't wait to see you...big bear hugs...etc. etc...AWAITING!
In the Power of our RISEN LORD,
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