Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Consider the Lilies of the Field…

A smiling and intelligent young man, Kimberly, has been disfigured through an accident.  He is one among several the St. Marc, Haiti mission and other Spirit-led brethren support financially for his education.  Pastor Bill, now deceased, and his wife Cheryl chose to include him.  Kimberly’s marred features could alienate him from so many things and potential opportunities.  My heart leaps with joy every time I see him among the other youth in his neighborhood. He reveals the heart of God to all of us.  The signature of God was obscured by sin; we would be kept out of many God-centered benefits (the garden) but God paid a debt on our behalf that our entrance back into heaven would be with triumphant shouts of victory (II Peter 1:10-12).  Kimberly embraces every visiting Christian with great thanks for their investment in his life—all he knows is that cooperatively we are enabling him to go to school, to have hope, to smile confidently.   One day we will fall to the feet of Jesus in adoration and thanks for His bestowment of the Holy Spirit, grace, mercy, love and compassion into our lives… The ineffable gift(s)…

The days have gone by very quickly and I am on my finishing touches, packing for my November 19-25 travel back to St. Marc, Haiti.  I am still rebounding from both the exhilaration of the October trip but the stupor that follows me seeing the average Haitian persevere in their hardship, recedes slowly.  I stayed for two weeks. The first included Bible College classes, its preparation and addressing various issues. Unlike what some have come to experience, our mission is not backed up by deep pockets, always ready to relieve another unseen event.  After taking care of the students who had been thrown out of school for not having their books or uniform, we stomped through each Bible College class, awaiting Pastor Scibelli, Elder Dave Smithson and Javier Faoro’s arrival.  

Pr. Police, P. Scibelli, Pr. Finess & Reginald (St. Marc Greater Grace Church)
The following week included visitations to local churches. Blessed by the attendance of Believers in Haiti, we had in Gonaives 250 believers. In Petit Riviere, P. Scibelli was led to a young lady who had been prevented from going to church.  Her elliptic seizures were misunderstood to be periodic demon possession. He has personally undertaken her medical examination and eventual medication regimen.  With her sister, she will move to St. Marc to recommence her life without the stigma of her past label. She will be close enough to be a church member and a new Bible College student.  The Church in Petit Riviere is small structurely and has lost some newer members because many sit or stand outside during the service.  Let’s pray that their desire to have a 400-member sitting capacity church will come to pass soon. The outer perimeter walls for the new church have been poured. The Pont Sonde Church is full and vibrant. 

A trip to Haiti is never complete without mechanical breakdowns.  Not only did we have to change our transportation arrangement mid-week but on the way to the airport we first stopped for oil then completely stalled ten minutes later.  We thumbed a ride to the airport 1 ½ hrs. away; I guess we benefited, having to scramble for less money for that ride…  Truly we adventure to humbly see and experience the hand and blessings of God in each area (Matthew 6:11). 

As I head out for the second to last month of the Bible College semester here are some things to pray about:
1. A full-time missionary Pastor/wife – family for the base operation in St. Marc
2. A smooth close-out of the semester, a safe break and awesome second semester
3. The continued hunger of the students and church members (growth)
4. Continued enthusiasm in evangelism and home visitations
5. Preacher Police & Preacher Finess’ oversight of the work in St. Marc
6. The work in Puerto Rico –Team members and good coverage during the Haiti visits.
7. The Matthew family/children as they continue in the work and homeschooling…
8. The finances (and present supporters) for the work both in Puerto Rico and Haiti
9. Our parents (VT/St. Croix) & other elder church members across our ministries…

 To Reach Us:
P Julian & Cindy Matthew
Greater Grace World Outreach
Matthew Family--Haiti or Puerto Rico Missions
6025 Moravia Park Dr.
Baltimore, MD 21206

Jeffte & Dodo--red t-shirt, our newest believer...

Harold (church member, St. Marc) and today's catch from local fisherman...

Several varieties of fish...good for any day...

We chose the lobsters--our pockets could afford, $2 USD...

Local water salesman, some real balancing skill there...

Haut St. Marc Choir--Always beautiful...

Jimmy (16) & soccer team members--Uniforms Mia's Fashion

Some of the youth of Cite Dalencour -- St. Marc Greater Grace Church

Fishermen Return -- Empty Nets... Gros Wrosh, St. Marc

Baptism: Elmas/Finess