Monday, October 8, 2007

Go Ye Therefore ....

Having solved some technical problems with our photos, we thought to touch base with you and share a few snapshots. Last week was filled with some exciting times of evangelism on the "west coast". Some people said they were amazed that God finished the work so that we could rest in His love. A young high school man, admitting he had never really had a relationship with God, prayed to accept Jesus. We explained that heaven was as with his car, he might know about it, but he didn't have the right to enter unless the Owner gave him entrance through a relationship. Another man was brought to tears as he considered his unemployment situation and that the Lord was reaching out him in love even as he hadn't attended church for nearly 15 years. A young man with a heart for evangelism is considering Bible college extension classes and translated as another man prayed the sinner's prayer
..the fields are "white and ready for harvest ..."

Evangelism shots

Wow! that's a treehouse!

pretty dress

Cabo Rojo at night

let's dance

nice sized beetle (little Julian's hand)

Aliia's 9th birthday ... bunny named "Blackie"
the bilingual birthday party with neighborhood kids


Z G T said...
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Z G T said...

Happy Birthday Aliia!